- /RTI/download/

[To Parent Directory]

30/09/2020 12:44 761579 1. Tender Notice Housekeeping 2020.pdf
06/11/2019 16:06 3306415 10th Maulana Azad - Invitation Card_web.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 73581 12_14_Feb07.pdf
09/08/2019 12:54 4652386 13th NIEPA Foundation Day Lecture_2019_web.pdf
11/01/2021 16:54 505223 14th NRCE Faculty Enrichment Webinar_Life Science_14_01_2021_Poster.pdf
29/08/2019 17:54 261904 20190829_105629.pdf
13/03/2020 18:16 297730 20200313_065129.pdf
13/03/2020 18:16 305750 20200313_093840.pdf
02/06/2020 16:18 654840 20200602_102459.pdf
16/09/2020 16:52 870310 20200916_052243.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 1236165 21037_15911.rtf
09/05/2014 10:55 82510 27 Nov Final NUEPA Prospectus.pdf
01/04/2021 16:43 7954856 2nd Edition_Final_Pedagogical Leadership.pdf
08/09/2021 09:15 191515 7_sept.pdf
28/07/2021 19:56 75376 AC.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 32183 Academic_Council.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 67688 Address by Hon Chief Justice of India KG Balakrishnan.pdf
25/03/2021 13:06 86129 Admission Notice Hindi.pdf
19/03/2021 15:12 92574 ADMISSION NOTICE(ENGLISH) 2021-22.pdf
19/03/2021 15:13 159372 ADMISSION NOTICE(HINDI) 2021-22.pdf
19/03/2021 15:12 149675 ADMISSION NOTICE(LONG) 2021-22.pdf
09/05/2014 10:54 31744 Admission_Date_Extension_Notice.doc
09/05/2014 10:56 66582 admission_Date_Extension_Notice.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 211951 AdmissionLetter_MPhil2010-11.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 211838 AdmissionLetter_NUEPAPhD2010-11.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 213116 AdmissionLetter_PartTimePhD2010-11.pdf
20/11/2020 17:32 264614 Adobe Scan 20 Nov 2020.pdf
09/04/2021 15:50 295696 Adv for Constitution of a Panel of Translators.pdf
17/07/2020 17:01 2053781 Advancing gender equity_Presentation by Ann Stewart.pdf
02/08/2019 14:43 320088 Advertisement - UIC.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 109713 Advertisement Registrar.pdf
21/06/2021 16:32 123734 Advertisement.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 13312 Advertisement_VC30Sep2009.pdf
09/05/2014 10:54 164873 advertisment Project_March2011.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 1516947 advt 2009-10.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 182121 advt 2009-10_old.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 96496 Advt for medical consultant.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 25237 Advt MPhil-Ph.D_2011.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 114376 Advt_Faculty.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 78580 Advt_MPHIL_Phd_2010-11.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 3810304 aform.doc
09/05/2014 10:55 76491 aform.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 153419 Airtel_9971033838_Payment Receipt_8Mar2013.pdf
05/08/2024 16:19 <dir> AISHE
14/06/2019 18:11 202636 All publications (Dr. Madhumita) 14-06 19-converted.pdf
09/12/2021 15:00 304902 Announcement December 2021 F.pdf
09/05/2014 10:54 2583 Annual Budget.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 752388 Annual Report 06-07.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 228113 Annual RTI Return ( Apr 07 - Mar 08).pdf
07/06/2023 10:33 934218 Annual_BUDGET.pdf
05/04/2024 11:11 68512 Annual_Budget_of_NIEPA_March.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 203775 Annual_Return_Form.jpg
09/05/2014 10:56 34916 AnnualBudget_200910.pdf
15/07/2019 14:48 1165128 Anti-corruption poster and Video Competetion.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 163313 ANTRIEP Combo.pdf
26/07/2024 13:03 3928337 anualReturns2024.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 109327 AnupamaDhami.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 2175488 ApplFormM.Phil_2011-12.PDF
09/05/2014 10:56 35328 ApplFormProject_March2011.doc
09/05/2014 10:55 1851882 Application form 2010-11.pdf
20/05/2021 14:56 68156 Application Form 2021-22 .pdf
02/11/2021 15:50 88148 Application Form CE.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 5828608 Application form for the post of FO.doc
09/05/2014 10:54 137963 Application form for the post of FO.pdf
26/03/2021 18:35 206971 application from for niepa parking.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 129310 Application_Form_Dec2009.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 75564 Application_Form_PartTimeConsultantEngineer.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 92525 ApplicationForm_ProfAsst_2July10.pdf
07/09/2021 16:00 190967 appointment on compassionate ground.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 694721 APro.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 183378 APro_OLD.pdf
27/07/2021 18:40 5337630 AR 2018-19_English.pdf
08/03/2019 11:41 278434 ARPIT Examination 2019 FAQs.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 11800 Assistant advt.pdf
21/09/2021 16:57 43881 Audit Consultant Ad.pdf
05/08/2024 16:19 <dir> aug_2023
09/05/2014 10:56 575491 August_Journal_2007.pdf
05/08/2024 16:19 <dir> Bharat_Padhe
09/05/2014 10:54 28949 Board_of_Management.pdf
09/05/2014 10:54 31852 Board_of_Studies.pdf
28/07/2021 19:56 56818 BOM.pdf
04/10/2023 14:44 283943 BOM_Constitution.pdf
28/07/2021 19:56 75054 BOS.pdf
09/05/2014 10:54 169579 Brochure.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 790683 Brochure_1.pdf
05/08/2024 16:19 <dir> Budget
09/05/2014 10:55 17710 Budget.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 28843 Budget0607.pdf
03/06/2020 12:37 219993 CamScanner 06-03-2020 11.50.53.pdf
21/07/2020 10:25 696114 CamScanner 07-16-2020 17.30.03.pdf
24/08/2020 14:02 271327 CamScanner 08-24-2020 14.00.09.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 23639 Candidates4Interview_2009.pdf
08/01/2021 16:02 453742 CAS Norms - 2020.pdf
25/06/2019 18:18 307401 CAS Office Order.pdf
04/05/2021 16:00 128246 CAS.pdf
23/12/2020 13:50 37870 Chancellor.jpg
07/12/2021 16:06 338972 Change in the Nomenclature.pdf
30/06/2020 11:08 1088611 Circular (2).pdf
16/04/2021 17:20 50913 Circular (Attendance Regarding).pdf
27/04/2021 19:32 324636 Circular _ Preventive Measures and Attendance_NIEPA_27.04.2021.pdf
08/10/2020 17:14 582007 CIRCULAR Regarding Roaster System.pdf
29/11/2021 16:44 226565 Circular Staff Quarter Inviting Applications.pdf
30/08/2019 14:44 407279 Circular.pdf
16/09/2021 12:59 162345 Circular15.pdf
06/10/2021 17:20 34118 Circular6oct2021.pdf
05/08/2024 16:19 <dir> circulars
13/05/2021 21:16 364808 Clarification regarding absence during COVID-19 lockdown period.PDF
14/01/2021 15:23 481847 Cleaning of water tanks.pdf
05/08/2024 16:19 <dir> committees
23/11/2020 12:45 210902 Concept Note for Webinar (2).pdf
09/05/2014 10:54 35804 Concept Paper.pdf
18/02/2019 16:11 1510495 Conference Facilities.pdf
22/10/2019 10:35 185201 Constitution of Committee to have sound mechanism and strategy .pdf
20/10/2021 20:49 133311 Consultancy Details.pdf
16/11/2021 14:53 520041 consultant civil.pdf
26/03/2021 17:32 1333118114 Consultative Meeting of State Higher Education Councils on 18-19 March, 2021 (2021-03-19).mp4
09/05/2014 10:56 241371 Contents of Previous and Next Issue.pdf
10/04/2024 10:14 48165 Contract_List_2023-24_FY.pdf
29/07/2019 18:59 413424 Corrigendum.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 37179 Council.pdf
01/04/2021 16:54 267094 Covid 19 Office Order.pdf
01/04/2021 16:24 405914 COVID-19 Leave Request Form.pdf
22/04/2021 11:18 406275 COVID-19 Leave Request Form1.pdf
20/03/2020 16:40 484945 covid19.pdf
03/12/2020 16:58 30356 CPWD.pdf
26/11/2021 16:41 235987 Cross_Cultural_Perspectives_on_Internationalisation.pdf
05/10/2023 15:57 76927 Data for RTI Ten Years Contract details.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 7337 Date extension Notice M.Phil. Ph.D..pdf
07/03/2022 17:02 162484 Dec-2021.pdf
12/04/2021 11:45 196488 Declaration of public holiday on account of birthday of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar.pdf
05/08/2024 16:22 <dir> DEPA
05/08/2024 17:20 <dir> DepartmentFolders
17/05/2021 15:50 459697 Detailed Advertisement.pdf
25/07/2024 17:09 239520 Details of Parliament (Starred and Unstarred) questions and date of reply (from 2023 to July 2024).pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 79360 Details_ProfAsst_2July10.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 156802 Details_ProfAsst_2July10_Old.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 9249 Digital Library.pdf
05/08/2024 17:20 <dir> DigitalWellness
09/05/2014 10:55 72211 DISE2006_DCF.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 514048 DISE2006_DCF_Hindi_ForAll.doc
09/05/2014 10:55 101166 DISE2006_DCF_Hindi_ForAll.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 71926 DISE2006_FieldManual.pdf
20/05/2021 16:23 455851 Display_page-0001.jpg
27/05/2019 14:26 59312 DOC001.PDF
28/01/2020 14:23 15705 DOC009 (2).PDF
13/05/2021 21:17 553632 DoP&T-Attendance-Order-dt. 03-05-2021.pdf
13/05/2021 21:18 607421 DoP&T-Attendance-Order-dt. 06-05-2021.pdf
23/12/2020 16:17 6923 dr_sandeep_chatterjee.jpg
13/05/2021 16:09 382142 Duty Roster MAY 132021.pdf
05/08/2024 17:20 <dir> e-Governance
05/03/2021 15:20 20520163 Education in the Fringes of Urban Cities by Sunita Chugh.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 163857 Education_Commission-Revised--For_Website.pdf
05/08/2024 17:20 <dir> Educational_Administration
13/12/2021 16:11 185067 EducationPolicy.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 151327 Eminent Scholar Lecture Series information.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 466202 Eminent_CNRRao_20022007_Report.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 2024518 Eminent_MarkBray_19112007_Report.pdf
26/09/2017 15:21 668813 Eminent_MSAnanth_22042008_Report.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 29914746 Eminent_MSAnanth_22042008_Report_Damage.pdf
26/09/2017 15:24 884545 Eminent_PMBhargawa_25072007_Report.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 36678850 Eminent_PMBhargawa_25072007_Report_Damage.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 652425 Eminent_Seshadri_22042008_Report.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 308496 faculty advt.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 47104 Faculty_Recuritment_15May2007.doc
09/05/2014 10:55 46592 Faculty_Recuritment_23_Oct_2008.doc
05/08/2024 17:17 <dir> FacultyProfile
18/02/2019 16:11 670125 FC Notice.pdf
05/08/2024 17:17 <dir> FDP
14/07/2021 11:53 1046539 FDP Aug 2021.pdf
05/04/2023 14:24 325961 Feb-23.pdf
07/03/2022 17:03 164584 Feb_2022.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 71143 FellowofNationalUniversity.pdf
21/12/2020 14:14 381753 FINAL MoA of NIEPA.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 56402 Final Questionnaireof SFC (30-08-2007).pdf
22/06/2021 19:37 49159 Final Shortlisted candidates for the interview to be held on 24-25 June 2021.pdf
10/10/2019 08:57 1013309 Final SR - 07_10.pdf
07/08/2019 18:03 4990693 Final Tender Document AMC of Computers 2019-20.pdf
28/06/2019 15:57 349589 Final Training Calendar 2019-20.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 591438 Final_SFC_Combined_Oct2008.pdf
21/01/2021 15:24 176672 Finance Officer.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 23757 Finance_Committee.pdf
27/11/2021 12:24 4393417 Financing Higher Education_Webinar_Flyer.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 161586 First Foundation day Speech.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 1141610 Flyer.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 97676 FO Advt website.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 24576 FO Recruitment rules.doc
09/05/2014 10:56 101432 FO Recruitment rules.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 1009139 For_Web_Page_MOA_and_Rules_of_NUEPA_Final_Sept_04__2006.pdf
03/08/2021 14:34 168580 Form for Transfer of Money through NEFT.docx
03/08/2021 12:53 349287 Form for Transfer of Money through NEFT.pdf
09/05/2014 10:54 1018892 form(2009-10 pld).pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 1036578 form.pdf
05/08/2024 17:17 <dir> Forms
05/08/2024 17:17 <dir> Forms - Backup on 25 Sep 2018
05/08/2024 17:17 <dir> Foundation day
05/08/2024 17:17 <dir> GIA
02/02/2021 16:18 169893 Grievance Redressal Committee (1).pdf
21/01/2021 15:43 169893 Grievance Redressal Committee.pdf
05/07/2021 15:39 157079 Grievance Redressal Committee_4.pdf
14/01/2022 14:18 476773 GROSS SALARY DETAILS dec2021.pdf
11/04/2022 11:54 50984 GROSS SALARY DETAILS MARCH-22.pdf
14/01/2022 11:59 155423 GROSS SALARY DETAILS new.pdf
22/12/2020 16:13 15608634 Guidelines for NIEPA Publications - 2020.pdf
20/01/2021 14:35 15662734 Guidlines for NIEPA Publications-2020.pdf
10/09/2021 14:39 16824820 Hindi Edition_Final_Pedagogical Leadership_hindi.pdf
14/09/2021 19:10 461246 hindi_2021.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 1111616 Hindi_Fonts.zip
23/11/2020 15:00 167241 HindiAdv.pdf
05/08/2024 17:17 <dir> HindiDiwas
28/01/2021 15:36 6075193 History of NUEPA.pdf
28/01/2022 14:50 12613847 Holiday List 2022.pdf
12/04/2024 10:20 154606 Holiday_2024.pdf
02/01/2023 12:03 1740986 holidays 2023.pdf
02/09/2021 14:56 159034 HRA.pdf
02/09/2021 15:26 159474 hra.PNG
26/07/2021 20:31 2574218 IBC_Report _Final.pdf
26/07/2021 20:31 2574218 IBC_Survey_Final_Report_15_July.pdf
16/07/2021 10:29 2524927 IBC_Survey_Final_Report_15_July_old.pdf
05/08/2024 17:04 <dir> IDEPA
09/05/2014 10:56 3180950 IDEPA Annoucement 2011.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 19843037 IDEPA Annoucement 2011_Old.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 7176254 IDEPA Announcement 2009.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 3885746 IDEPA Announcement 2010.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 464464 IDEPA Announcemnt 2008.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 431158 idepa07.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 3020317 IDEPA_Broucher_Back_29July2009.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 2681278 IDEPA_Broucher_Front_29July2009.pdf
21/06/2021 11:31 396168 IDY 2021 .jpg
26/11/2021 20:05 473519 IIEP Concept Notes 23-11-2021 new.pdf
24/11/2021 14:51 473576 IIEP Concept Notes.pdf
02/12/2019 17:16 988743 img-Z02111409.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 91006 InclusiveEducation29thMarch2007.pdf
05/08/2024 17:04 <dir> InfoGuide
26/07/2024 12:06 389351 Information Regarding Audit of Public Authorities.pdf
06/07/2023 14:42 6007577 information_regarding_audit_of_public_authorities.pdf
08/08/2018 17:54 6037871 information_regarding_audit_of_public_authorities_OLD.pdf
05/08/2024 17:04 <dir> InnovationScheme
12/02/2020 15:41 11770787 Institutes Misc. printing and binding jobs tender.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 131072 InstructionManual_Hindi.doc
09/05/2014 10:56 112386 InstructionManual_Hindi.pdf
23/09/2021 16:33 335951 Investment of various institute Funds.pdf
16/09/2021 13:17 11350792 Invitation Card_link.pdf
10/07/2020 16:55 1238748 Invitation for Webinar.pdf
05/08/2024 17:04 <dir> IPEA_2016
05/08/2024 17:05 <dir> IPEA_2017
05/08/2024 17:05 <dir> IPEA_2018
05/08/2024 17:05 <dir> IPEA_2019
18/10/2019 16:48 360027 IUC.pdf
07/03/2022 17:03 164209 jan_2022.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 65150 JEPA Cover.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 114553 JEPA Current.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 65150 JEPA Previous & Forthcoming.pdf
20/12/2021 16:26 1431580 jpc_dec_2021.pdf
23/12/2021 08:58 710940 jpc_dec_2021_ac.pdf
23/12/2021 08:58 719736 jpc_dec_2021_f.pdf
05/08/2024 16:44 <dir> LEAP
18/10/2021 10:57 451208 Leave Travel Concession Bill.pdf
11/11/2021 14:48 8287212 Lecture_12th Maulana Azad Memorial Lecture_w.pdf
02/08/2021 09:56 375265 Liaison Officers.pdf
05/08/2024 16:44 <dir> Library
09/04/2021 15:34 176561 List of candidates selected for translation panel.pdf
07/12/2021 10:54 42470 List of Newly Joined Faculty Members.pdf
05/10/2023 16:28 58327 List of Parliament Questions.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 565947 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS_Aug08.pdf
12/06/2021 11:32 529645 List of the candidates M.Phil-Ph.D programme 2021-22.pdf
12/06/2021 11:53 537043 List of the candidates M.Phil-Ph.D programme 2021-22_06_12_2021_11_52_AM.pdf
11/06/2021 18:23 530305 List of the candidates M.Phil-Ph.D programme 2021-22_new.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 93855 localhost_egrant_CustView.asp_Custid=2011033102.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 95758 M._Phil.___Ph.D_Programme_Press_Ad.pdf
28/12/2020 15:48 146325 M.C.Pant.pdf
26/07/2021 09:57 5030369 M.Phil Ph.D Curriculum Guide 2021.pdf
26/07/2021 09:57 833931 M.Phil.-Ph.D. Programme Schedule 2021-22.pdf
26/07/2024 12:24 142933 Marge file Stared unstared Question.pdf (1).pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 64623 Maulana Azad Invitation.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 35525 Maulana Chair Final.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 78920 Maulana_9Nov2012.pdf.jpg
09/05/2014 10:56 410931 MaulanaAzad2013.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 6696274 MaulanaAzad3rdLecture9Nov2012.pdf
19/05/2020 17:03 430197 Measures-COVID-19 (II).pdf
05/08/2024 16:44 <dir> minutes
10/06/2021 11:04 42049 Minutes of the 23rd BOM Meeting.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 150719 MOA_Rules_Hindi.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 182121 Mphil & Phd Advt (2009-10).pdf
05/08/2024 16:48 <dir> MPhilPhd
09/05/2014 10:55 27562 MuslimMinorityEducation_4to6Nov9.pdf
28/06/2021 19:04 43037 MX-M5050_20210628_210622.pdf
17/08/2021 12:59 38884 MX-M5050_20210817_125838.pdf
16/09/2021 12:58 122941 MX-M5050_20210916_122351.pdf
22/12/2021 16:47 1023010 MX-M5050_20211222_164638.pdf
20/10/2021 20:48 162217 naac_data.pdf
10/05/2019 10:23 145485 nat_website-Banner 1.jpg
28/12/2020 13:11 73821 National Awards in Innovation Announcement.pdf
23/09/2021 16:34 327507 National Disaster Plan And SOPs.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 85600 National Seminar on Abul Kalam Azad.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 85583 National Seminar on Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad and the National Education System.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 3709561 National Seminar on the Common School System - Conecpt Paper.pdf
20/07/2021 10:12 274990 Nationwide campaign about Tokyo Olympics.pdf
15/03/2021 15:19 2487497 NEP 2020 Implementation Strategy_W.pdf
29/07/2021 12:12 726631 NEP2020.pdf
20/06/2019 16:07 251933 New Doc 2019-06-20 15.08.01_1(1).pdf
05/08/2024 16:41 <dir> New folder
07/07/2021 19:37 736766 New list of hospitals.pdf
27/07/2021 18:40 14405229 NIEPA AR 2018-19_Hindi.pdf
02/09/2020 16:26 2823880 NIEPA Faculty Profile_web.pdf
17/06/2020 17:08 533753 NIEPA House Allotment Rules 2019.pdf
10/08/2020 17:19 20581174 NIEPA Perspective Plan 2020-30_web_1.6.20.pdf
28/05/2023 13:38 96133 NIEPA Telephone Directory.pdf
07/02/2020 18:17 300276 NIEPA Tender Notice.pdf
01/08/2019 15:28 164074 NIEPA_ NewDelhi _ FDP_Aug 2019_ Announcement (1).pdf
21/06/2021 11:57 890601 NIEPA_Brochure_FDP_July_2021_new.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 261217 niepa_newsletter.pdf
10/01/2022 15:13 454535 Niepa_phone_list_new.pdf
21/01/2020 15:33 753364 NIEPA_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_LIST.pdf
05/01/2022 12:07 121902 Niepaphone list.pdf
06/08/2020 14:54 24426 nomination form (1).docx
16/03/2021 17:09 2746201 Nordic-India Summit _web_1.6.2020.pdf
11/09/2020 13:10 91892 Notice Date Extension Blade Server.pdf
21/02/2021 14:42 520276 Notice Matrabhasha Diwas 2021.pdf
29/05/2023 16:38 442657 Notification R & D Cell.pdf
20/03/2019 12:35 219027 NOTIFICATION (1).pdf
18/08/2020 18:11 224613 Notification (2).pdf
08/01/2021 16:03 595841 Notification - LTC - 2020.pdf
28/01/2020 14:17 521419 Notification - VC 28th JAN.pdf
19/12/2019 16:47 598481 Notification - VC Visit - 23.12.19-30.12.19.pdf
27/05/2019 11:04 563253 Notification - VC visit.pdf
28/11/2019 18:49 450553 Notification - VC.pdf
04/08/2021 18:37 204996 Notification about NER Grant utilisation.pdf
11/09/2023 14:45 299337 Notification Assistant Central Public Information Officer april 2023.pdf
11/09/2023 14:35 52486 Notification Assistant Central Public Information Officer(3).pdf
22/05/2024 15:22 133977 Notification Assistant Central Public Information Officer.pdf
11/09/2023 14:45 299337 Notification Assistant Central Public Information Officer_old.pdf
24/07/2019 14:45 274699 Notification for constitution of Committees.pdf
08/01/2020 17:38 173447 Notification for developing guidelines for publications of NIEP.pdf
16/09/2021 13:08 653132 Notification for income tax.pdf
31/08/2020 12:04 39839 notification for medical reimbursement.PDF
21/10/2021 10:04 3256752 Notification for Pariprekshya Editorial Board.jpg
18/02/2020 19:11 166355 Notification for Reconstitued IT Committee.pdf
26/07/2021 19:22 129595 Notification for reconstitution of Examination Committee.pdf
12/05/2021 13:14 190004 Notification for submission of documents for admission.pdf
28/08/2020 17:01 74466 notification for TA Settlement -merged.pdf
18/10/2019 16:52 810480 Notification of Operationalisation of UIC.pdf
16/09/2020 16:38 189685 NOTIFICATION PU (1).pdf
20/03/2020 16:48 164215 Notification reg appointment of Warden_VPSRaju (1).pdf
11/03/2020 18:53 203268 Notification reg constitution of committee to look into budget aspect of trg progs.pdf
03/09/2020 13:07 273059 Notification reg. RR and SR 2020 for Teaching and Non-Teaching.pdf
07/06/2019 15:03 467733 Notification reg. VC visit - 11-13.06.2019.pdf
13/05/2019 12:28 486276 Notification reg. VC Visit - 13.05.19-17.05.19.pdf
11/11/2019 14:27 471321 Notification reg. VC visit to Ethiopia.pdf
17/09/2019 16:17 172884 Notification regarding constituting a committee to re-look at (1).pdf
25/10/2019 15:47 367673 notification regarding handing taking over.pdf
01/11/2019 14:36 399163 Notification regarding TA & Registration fee.pdf
12/04/2019 16:10 443235 Notification regarding VC visit - 13.04.19-21.04.19.pdf
15/02/2019 16:37 225033 Notification Registrar Extension Date.pdf
25/01/2021 21:54 684526 Notification-Board of Studies0002.pdf
25/01/2021 21:54 453391 Notification-Planning & Monitoring Board.pdf
14/02/2019 11:48 225349 NOTIFICATION.pdf
17/11/2021 15:50 150962 Notification17112021.pdf
02/11/2021 11:16 569965 notification_02_nov_2021.pdf
02/02/2021 16:18 195233 Notification_Anti Ragging Committee (1).pdf
21/01/2021 15:43 195233 Notification_Anti Ragging Committee.pdf
02/02/2021 14:10 32066 Notification_Anti_Ragging_Committee (1).PDF
08/01/2020 17:39 185189 Notification_Equal Opportunity.pdf
26/03/2019 17:20 203618 Notification_Prof Arun C Mehta to represent category of Professor in.pdf
05/10/2019 17:44 377097 Notification_Steering Committee.pdf
02/12/2015 10:11 409201 NotificationMedicalConsultants.pdf
05/08/2024 16:41 <dir> notifications
23/12/2020 14:27 14479164 Notifications, Approvals and Schedule Rates related to NIEPA Pub.pdf
07/03/2022 17:02 154306 NOVEMBER-2021.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 226816 nuepa application form.doc
09/05/2014 10:56 158085 nuepa application form.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 108150 NUEPA_Advertisment22July2010.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 103279 NUEPA_ApplicationForm22July2010.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 101183 NUEPAAdPage.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 140913 NUEPAAdPage_Mphil.pdf
05/08/2024 16:41 <dir> Oct_2023
19/09/2019 14:34 1531893 Office note.pdf
16/09/2021 17:04 147100 Office Order (2).pdf
28/09/2021 17:16 278661 Office Order 171.pdf
28/09/2021 17:16 256163 Office Order 172.pdf
31/03/2023 22:08 194371 Office order 515 dated 31.03.2023.pdf
27/11/2020 18:00 371801 office order No 199.pdf
18/12/2020 17:32 47038 OFFICE ORDER NO 222 2020-21NIEPA.pdf
08/02/2021 12:24 51660 Office order no 271 20-21 niepa.pdf
07/01/2021 14:42 41911 OFFICE ORDER NO 283 2020-21NIEPA.pdf
14/09/2021 16:37 201097 office order no. 162.pdf
07/10/2021 17:02 193765 Office Order No. 188.pdf
12/10/2021 17:10 184186 office order no. 194.pdf
17/11/2021 15:15 203930 office order no. 235.pdf
17/11/2021 15:16 201540 office order no. 236.pdf
17/11/2021 15:16 221826 office order no. 237.pdf
07/09/2020 15:45 206923 office order.pdf
16/09/2021 17:04 147100 Office Order_new.pdf
15/03/2021 17:02 47390 office_order_309_2020_2021_NIEPA.pdf
20/10/2021 15:25 183981 OfficeNote_161.pdf
16/09/2021 17:04 147100 OfficeOrder_new16sept.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 884807 old Prospectus 2008.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 123378 old Revised-Ph. D advertisement_2008-09.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 64825 old_12_14_Feb07.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 138522 old_Education_Commission-Revised--For_Website.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 415631 old_idepa07.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 146646 old_NUEPAAdPage.pdf
25/02/2021 16:28 114947 OOM.pdf
10/08/2021 13:51 124806 Open Invitation_Seminar Proposal.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 57738 order_hindi.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 35840 orderform.doc
09/05/2014 10:55 611258 ParipekshyaApril2010.pdf
09/05/2014 10:54 688521 ParipekshyaAugust08.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 506950 ParipekshyaDecember2008.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 747612 Pariprekshya April 08.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 842481 Pariprekshya December 07.pdf
25/05/2021 14:57 78112 Payment Notification.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 27538 PDFellowship_2010.pdf
09/02/2021 16:25 77766749 Pedagogical-leadership-Handbook.pdf
12/11/2021 14:52 215687 pensioner identity card.pdf
16/03/2021 14:26 1013819 Pest control tender.pdf
20/05/2021 15:48 14759 PGDEPA 2021 .JPG
20/05/2021 14:14 307912 PGDEPA Announcement 2021-22.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 3829248 PHD_Form_2008.doc
09/05/2014 10:54 116218 PHD_Form_2008.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 20480 PIO_officers.doc
09/05/2014 10:55 7345 PIO_officers.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 129468 Plasma_screens_tender_document_for_web_page.pdf
21/12/2020 16:32 159637 Policy Dialogue on Reforms for Diversity and Inclusion.pdf
04/10/2019 11:08 1406192 Poster.Gandhi Discussion Meet - 2019.pdf
26/04/2021 18:22 1270226 Poster_ Nordic Universities and India's NEP 2020 27th April 2021.pdf
05/01/2022 09:40 2406446 Poster_Vission Mission_NIEPA_web.pdf
10/06/2015 11:37 494434 PosterJune2015.PNG
20/05/2021 17:22 359639 Preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) Attendance of NIEPA Officials.pdf
11/03/2021 12:59 74260 Prof. Pranati Panda-CV.pdf
14/06/2019 10:40 237975 Profile -Prof.Geetha Rani-NIEPA.pdf
11/03/2021 14:59 219236 Profile DrMadhumita Bandyopadhyay.pdf
25/06/2019 11:57 148867 Programme Note - FDP - July - 2019.pdf
16/04/2021 16:25 163737 Project Computer Operator.pdf
16/04/2021 16:25 163281 Project Consultant.pdf
16/04/2021 16:26 156319 Project Junior Consultant.pdf
18/08/2020 18:19 332040 Proposal.pdf
09/05/2014 10:54 76271 Proposals in only hard copy_1April2013.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 889541 Prospectus 2008.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 1469191 Prospectus 2010-11.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 3505460 Prospectus 2011-12.pdf
09/05/2014 10:56 8035840 Prospectus 2011-12_15MB.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 268726 Prospectus of M.Phil & Ph.D Programs-OLD.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 1055580 Prospectus of M.Phil & Ph.D Programs.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 266943 Prospectus of M.Phil & Ph.D Programs_0901.pdf
09/05/2014 10:55 1360688 prospectus.pdf
07/01/2022 14:32 5356068 Prospectus_ MPhil -Ph.D_ 2019-20.pdf
28/04/2021 13:48 1584920 Prospectus_M.Phil.-Ph.D. 2021-22 Hindi.pdf
07/01/2022 14:32 7809706 Prospectus_MPHIL Ph.D_2020-21.pdf
07/01/2022 14:32 8689318 Prospectus_MPhil-Ph.D 2021-22.pdf
16/03/2021 16:40 8689318 Prospectus_MPhil_PhD_2021_22.pdf
10/12/2020 15:05 17142424 Publication Catalogue_I.pdf
10/12/2020 15:05 533200 Publication Catalogue_II.pdf
25/07/2024 16:17 15662734 Publication_Guidelines_with_Signed_Notification.pdf
05/08/2024 16:43 <dir> Publications
26/07/2024 15:28 2199650 Revised _Orgnaisational Structure.pdf
22/04/2022 17:14 4388410 RR&SR.pdf