बिना मूल्य वाले प्रकाशन



International Seminar on Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education (16-17 Feb 2023) Brochure


NIEPA Diamond Jubilee Brochure


Convocation Brochure 2022


Compendium of Abstract dissertations


Compendium of Research Publications and Training Activities (2016-2021)


NIEPA at a Glance


Turning Challenges into Opportunities -- Flexible Learning Pathways in Indian Higher Education,(March 2022) by Garima Malik and Narayanan Annalakshmi


NORDIC-INDIA SUMMIT on Nordic Universities and India's NEP 2020,(2021) by Tshering Chonzom Bhutia & Binay Prasad


School Management Committees: A Move Towards Open Government in Education in India,(2021) by Sunita Chugh


Pedagogical Leadership: A Handbook for Leading Learning in Schools (Hindi), (August, 2021) by N. Mythili


Pedagogical Leadership: A Handbook for Leading Learning in Schools , (March, 2021) by N. Mythili


Education in the Fringes of Urban Cities, (February, 2021) by Sunita Chugh


NEP 2020: Implementation Strategies, (December 2020)


NORDIC - INDIA SUMMIT 2020, (March 2020)


NIEPA Folder, (Sept, 2018)


NUEPA - At a Glance, (May, 2017)


Model Education Code - Practices and Processes of School Management, (July, 2015) NUEPA


NUEPA - A Transformational Journey, (June, 2015) by Kavita A. Sharma


Education For All : Towards Quality with Equity - INDIA, (August 2014), by MHRD and NUEPA


Concept and Terms used in Educational Planning and Administration, (July, 2013) by Y.P. Aggarwal ,R.S. Thakur (Co-Author) - NUEPA


Innovative Models for Skills Enhancement: South Asia, (August 31, 2012) by Dr. N. K. Mohanty (Lead Author), Prof. S.M.I.A. Zaidi (Co-Author) - NUEPA


Skills Defined by Curricula: South and Southeast Asia, (August 31, 2012) by Dr. VineetaSirohi, Prof. Avinash Kumar Singh - NUEPA

Skills for Employability:South Asia, (August 31, 2012) by Dr. Aarti Srivastava, Prof. Mona Khare - NUEPA

Education For All - Status and Trends - India (Nov. 2012) by MHRD and NUEPA


Secondary Education Planning and Appraisal Manual by SMIA Zaidi, K Biswal, N K Mohanty and AA Lal (2012)


Making Schools Successful  ANTRIEP Modules (A set consists of Five Modules and a Synthesis Report) edited by K Sujatha (2011)


Maulan Azad Memorial Lecture on Education, Modernisation and Development

by K.N. Panikkar (2011)


Quality Assurance of Transnational Higher Education, The Experiences of Australia and India - Editors Antony Stella and Sudhanshu Bhushan (2011)


Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and the National  Education System edited by S Irfan Habib (2010)


Education, Autonomy and Accountability --- Lecture by Mirinal Miri on NUEPA's Fourth Foundation Day (2010)


Elementary Teacher Education in Haryana: Re-envisioning the Role of District Institutes of Education and Training by Neelam Sood (2010)


National Seminar on Issues of Muslim Minority Education, Nov. 4&6, 2009 (Abstract of Seminar Papers) (2009)


Universities in the Twenty-First Century (Lecture by Prof. Andre Beteille on NUEPA's Third Foundation Day) (2009)


India Country Report for Sub-Regional Conference of South, South-West and Central Asia on Higher Education (Feb. 25-26, 2009) (2009).


EFA Mid Decade Assessment Reaching the Unreached (India Country Report, Nine Thematic Reports and Twenty Seven State Reports) (2008)


Designing Architecture for a Learning Revolution based on a Life Cycle Approach (Lecture by Prof. MS Swaminathan on NUEPA's Second Foundation Day) (2008)


Report of the National Workshop on Eleventh Five-year Plan in Higher Education Strategies for Effective Implementation by Prof. Sudhanshu Bhushan (2008)


Secondary Education in Developing Countries edited by B.K. Panda and V.P.S. Raju (Mimeo) (2007)


Alternative Perspectives on Higher Education in Context of Globalization (Lecture by Prof. Prabhat Patnaik on NUEPA's first foundation day)(2007)


Role of Head Teachers in School Management in India Case Studies from Six States. Research coordinated by R. Govinda. (Reprographic Edition 2006) ANTRIEP Focal Point (NUEPA) & European Union (2007)


Report on National Seminar on Privatization and Commercialization of Higher Education (2007)


Policy Issues for Women Education and Development by Madhumita Bandyopadhyay (2006)


National Evaluation of the Scheme of Operation Black Board. (Six T

(NUEPA-MHRD documents brought out every year)

hematic Reports and Twenty five State Reports --- total thirty one reports) (2006)


Foreign Education Providers in India: Research Study by Dr. Sudhanshu Bhushan (2005)


Elementary Education in India: Where do we stand?

  • Analytical Report and Analytical Tables by Arun C. Mehta.
  • District Report Cardspan State Report Cards
  • Elementary Education in Rural India: Analytical Tables
  • Elementary Education in Urban India: Analytical Tables
  • Flash Statistics Progress Towards UEE

Human Rights in Education : Perspectives and Imperatives, K. Sudha Rao (2003)